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Saturday, May 29, 2010

BP Oilspill

Is it just me or does BP not have their shit together? I mean damn! Why is it that they are the only ones lately that have oilspills? The gulf is already doo doo brown! lol But, I am sure it's looking kinda black by now. I think the government should concentrate a lot more on land rigs instead of those that are in the water. Of course, those that are not near populated areas. Noone wants to be sued if some kind of accident happens. I think these oilspill reoccurences should show our government that we have other energy sources out there that need to be focused on. Especially since they are more clean and even green! Or...are we supposed to wait till when all the old oil tycoons are dead so we can focus on the better for us and the environment resources can finally be put into play....? Just something I've been thinking about. Please let me know what you are thinking about.....

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